Old News
Yes we're still alive, in case anyone was wondering!
I just wanted to make a quick note that I do have quite a bit of service information available that (still) haven't been processed for the site. This includes a large collection of already scanned manuals and plenty that haven't yet been scanned. So if you're looking for a service manual for Sylvania stereo equipment, or even tvs from the '70s and earlier, give me a shout and I might be able to help you out!
*Some of these are listed via the old Service Manuals link on the left, but a lot of them aren't.
I've added a bunch of new speaker models which were missing.
Here's a list: AS-5WX, AS-6WX, AS-10W, AS-10AX, AS-10WX, AS-12WX, AS-12W, AS-15BT, AS-20BT, AS-25, AS-30, AS-42W, AS-80, AS-85B, AS-105W-1, AS-105W-2, AS-125W, AS-1706-1, AS-1708-1, AS-1710-1 and AS3712-1
There's a bit of information available for some of them, but for the most part I just have the release year and configuration. I've also updated the release dates for a bunch of the other models. The list should now be mostly complete with all models from the first AS8 in 1964 though the GTE 412 in 1976.
Pictures have been added for the AS-125W and AS-85B.
RIP Patches: 2000-2016

This time around:
Sylvania 1966 Stereophonic High Fidelity Collection Brochure
Sylvania 1971 Stereo High Fidelity Products Brochure
Sylvania 1972 Audio Products Brochure
Sylvania 1973 Matched Component Systems Brochure
Sylvania 1973 Stereo Receivers Brochure
Also added a link to view old news posts!
Just what you've always wanted, I've added more new manual downloads.
Sylvania R75-3 Supplement 4, Models RQ-3748 and RQ-4748
This particular scan was donated by Kurt Smithgall. It contains the most up to date and legible versions of the poweramp schematics for these two models.
Sylvania Bulletin P06-5 Supplement 1 Model Exponent 4/40-3
Sylvania Bulletin S32-6 and Supplement 1 ("Maestro" Console Power Amp)
Sylvania DQ-3700 Technical Service Data (JVC 4-DD5)
Sylvania FS-48A Technical Service Data
Sylvania GTE 210 Technical Service Data
Sylvania Type 108 Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope Operating Instructions
Sylvania 430L Service Instructions
Sylvania 540B, 540H, 540M Service Instructions
Sylvania 1969 Facts and Features Handbook
Added a few downloads that I thought were already available. They include two excerps from Servicing Sylvania for 1974-1975 which cover chassis's R66-3 and R75-3, models RS-4743 and RQ-3748 respectively. Also the service manual for the 1-609-3,-4 chassis, models 4301, 4303 and 4305.
A new download has been added, the Sylvania Volume 11B Comprehensive Manual - 1966 Radio and Stereo Hi-Fi. This is the compiled Technical Service Data for all the Stereo and Hi-Fi models for 1966 which adds service information for 51 new models. Eventually this will be split up for individual model downloads as well.
New models are as follows:
45P70, 45P80, 45P85
CS-5, CS-15, CST-20
Exponent 4/40-2, Exponent 4/60
SC-141, SC-142, SC-143, SC-144, SC-147, SC-148, SC-149
SC-151, SC-152, SC-153, SC-156, SC-159
SC-181, SC-183, SC-184, SC-185, SC-186, SC-189
SC-191, SC-193, SC-195, SCT-199
AK-55, AK-60, AK-70
TR-102, TR-106, TR-110, TR-114, TR-120, TR-124, TR-126, TR-130, TR-132
AS-6-1, AS-8-1, AS-10-1, AS-12-1, AS-20
Ampex Model 850 and 1150 Tape Recorders
Garrard 3000 Series and Dual 1010, 1019 Record Changers
I've added a download of the service manual for the GTE 2600, purchased thanks to a generous donation. Enjoy!
I finally got an A3 size scanner which will really help with scanning in the collection of service manuals I have. The first batch I've been working on are several yearly service volumes and have just shy of 1000 pages scanned. Processing has just begun but hopefully I'll be able to start adding some new sections, models, and of course downloads shortly. Stay tuned!
Updated specs have been entered for the CR-2743W, CR-2472W, and CR-2741 receivers. The AS-D8WH globe speaker has been added with specs. Specs have also been updated for the AS-125W-1, AS-125A, AS-105W, AS-85W, AS-1712, AS1710, AS-1708, and AS-1705 speakers.
Added pictures for the 1966 model Consoles, SC-142 through SCT-200.
Added some pictures for the CR-2742 and CR-2743 receivers.
Added some pictures for the AS-101W speakers.
Added some pictures for the AS-125B speakers.
Added a new manual for the Sylvania Type 400 Television Oscilloscope.
Section 1 (0Z4-6BJ7) of the 25700A roll chart for the Sylvania 620 Tube Tester has been entered and is available for use.
Added some pictures for the RQ-4747.
The GTE 2300 and 2600 model receivers have been added. There's still not a lot of information about these models, however, I have been able to confirm that the GTE 2300 is rated for 20wpc and the GTE 2600 is rated for 80wpc.
I started adding a section for tube tester settings under Documentation. I will be entering updates from the Sylvania News Technical Sections, original roll charts, and other sources as they become available to me. Settings will be entered for all models, but primarily the Type 620, 220/219, and 140/139.
If you have any roll charts or third party update booklets for any Sylvania testers, I'm interested in hearing from you in hopes to make this as complete a database as possible!
These have been sold.
If anyone is interested in a pair of Sylvania AS-225A speakers, now's your chance! These are not mine, however, I have been in contact with the seller and have agreed to post them here in hopes of helping find them a new home! If interested please use the contact information provided below.
Contact Information:
Roger Button
Email: tazrab19 at yahoo.com
Phone: 615-485-5565
'A pair of AS-225A GTE Sylvania speakers up for sale in 85% plus great condition. They were re-foamed by me about 5 years ago and they sound beautiful. I am asking $600 for the set. The price is negotiable and all offers will be entertained, but I am not going to give them away. You may call me if you like. If interested I would prefer that the speakers were to be picked up from me in Nashville, TN because shipping them would require crating them and I don't have the materials. However, I would entertain crating and shipping them but it wouldn't be cheap.'
No not those kind of ads! I've posted about seven new ads to the downloads section.
The Company History page has received a lot of work and is nearing completion. It currently covers up to about 1974 and is based on what little information is available on the subject. The primary sources for this page are:
Newcomen Address: Sylvania during 50 years, 1901-1951 (The Newcomen Society) 1951
The History of GTE - The Evolution of One of America's Great Corporations (Thomas E. McCarthy) 1990
I added the beginnings of a history page. At the moment it just contains a list of company names, dates, and some logos. More details to be added!
I started adding some consoles. Models added for now are just the 1966 collections, however, most specifications and better descriptions still need to be added.
There has been some shuffling of information for the model pages with. Downloads available for specific models are now also linked from the individual model pages for easy access.
Yep, yet again, more documents have been added!
Sylvania 1974 Stereo Receivers Brochure
Sylvania 1974 Speakers Brochure
Sylvania 1975 Automatic Turntables Brochure
Operating the Sylvania Stereo Receiver RS-4743
Sylvania RS-4744 Review
Operating Instructions for Model 2400
Sylvania RS-4744 Technical Service Data
The following have been added this morning.
Service Manuals:
Sylvania AS-101W Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-121W Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-25 Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-35P Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-41W Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-51W and AS-61W Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-81W Technical Service Data
Sylvania AS-82W Technical Service Data
Sylvania FS-40 Technical Service Data
Service Supplements:
Sylvania P63-2 Supplement 2
Sylvania R18-1,-3,-12 Supplement 3
Sylvania R53-3,-4,-7,-8 Supplement 1
Sylvania Portable Stereophonic High Fidelity Phonograph Deluxe Stereo Model 45P41BK
Service Notebooks:
Sylvania Service Notebook, Volume 11, 12 Issues (May 1974-April 1975)
Finally added a downloads section. It's still a work in progress, but I'll try to get the rest of the stuff already available up.
Documents Added:
Sylvania RQ-3748 Owners Manual
Sylvania AS-225A Service Manual
Sylvania AS-105B Service Manual
Sylvania CR-280 Service Manual
Sylvania AS-125W Review
All downloads are high quality scans. Pages have been cleaned for optimum clarity and they are fully text searchable.
Update: There was a small problem preventing downloads from working, this has now been fixed.
Added some specs for the RS-5742, RS-5741, RS-5740, and RS-5739 receivers.
Sorry for the brief approximately 2 hours of down time. The server was moved to a new home and there were some unforeseen problems which delayed bringing it back online.
Just some testing, news to come!
Yes I'm still alive! Sorry I haven't made any real updates in awhile but hopefully that will be changing.
It seems the pictures were offline for at least the past couple of weeks, not sure how long really. I've fixed the problem and they are now available again.
I'm sorry to say we've experienced some server trouble and lost a hard drive.
Fortunately there was no data loss and I have restored the site on our old server for the time being.
I added a new link to the right hand side of the page for Craigslist. This is actually a link to the stared items from Google Reader which just happen to be vintage Sylvania gear that need new homes! I'll do my best to keep it up to date by updating it a couple times a week for you.
Just on a side note these listing are across all 325 US Craigslist groups and not locale specific.
RayW of AK and MA has made a generous donation of gear to my collection and I just wanted to share my thanks here!
Here's a list of what I received:
Sylvania RS-5741 Receiver
Sylvania AS-5708 Speakers
Sylvania T-3703 Turntable (Garrard 6-300)
Sylvania ET-2750 8-Track Deck (BSR T-145)
Some major tweaks have been made to the imaging system and it is now live on the current two categories.
Pictures have been posted for the following models:
GTE 2400
I added a 'Go Back' link on the appropriate pages in the upper right hand corner of the content area.
I've also begun implementing the imgview based picture system. It is live now and more pictures will be posted shortly. If you have any comments please don't hesitate to let me know!
Thanks to rmaiers of MA for providing a brochure I've been able to add some specs on the following models:
A big thanks and everyone else enjoy them!
I've added a very rough list of all the Sylvania Service Data I have available. It needs to be revamped so it is very messy as it stands now but it should suffice.
If you need anything off the list just shoot me an email. I can't make any promises as to a time frame I can get a specific manual scanned, but requested manuals will get priority. Eventually all the listed manuals will be available for direct download, possibly not the television manuals but I haven't decided on those yet.
The site has been moved to the new server. If you experience any problems such as choppy loading pages or errors please let me know!
The network this server is hosted on will be down tonight, April 24th, between 11pm and 1am (-6 GMT) for network maintenance. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
I've just added about a dozen new speaker models. More to come yet, pictures soon I hope!
I've added a few more receivers a some speakers to the database.
Work is progressing on the image system. However as this server lacks the needed software to process the uploaded images and would require downtime and software upgrades to do so, they won't be available until I upgrade to my new server. This should happen sometime this month if everything goes according to plan. In the meantime I am working off a test server and the image features will be ready by the time the new server is active.
There are now 16 receiver models available. Each has all the specifications I currently know for each unit.
As of now both the Speaker and Receiver categories are up and running. However this in no way means those sections are complete. Major parts currently lacking are pictures and a back navigation button/link somewhere, otherwise they are mostly the way they're going to stay.
There is currently one entry in both categories. I'll begin adding more throughout the coming week but there is still a load of work to do on the site and that will be my priority for the next couple of days.
If you happen to visit please let me know what you think! You can contact me via email (see my name) or as Kernel86 on the Monster Audio and AudioKarma forums.
Well most of the database designing is done. For the most part now it's a labor of completing the display interface and data entry page. And then lets not forget the loads of data that needs to be entered into the database.
The categories sections will come up first, I'll worry about the downloads later. There are two entries in the Receivers category right now that I've been using to work out the layout, feel free to check it out!
I've created a new style of graphics for my layout and given the dark nature I decided to call them 'Dim'. These are NOT to be the final style of this site but I figured I had to do something about that horrible orange and blue color scheme. I think these should do nicely until I figure out exactly what I'm going to for the site, but I do know it's gonna be something lighter! :-P